Dogs Vaccination-Types-Side-effects-Schedule

Dogs Vaccination

Dogs vaccination.

The cure is better than treatment,  Your Dogs Vaccination is the answer. a healthy dog is better than an infected dog so a routine checkup is vital for the health of your dog, Vaccination plays a very important role to avoid infectious diseases core vaccination like canine parvovirus, Hepatitis, canine distemper, rabies, etc., and non-core vaccines like Bordetella, Canine Influenza (dog flu), Lyme vaccine, Leptospirosis Vaccination of Dogs is the prime responsibility of the pet owners and service to the community by preventing other pets i.e adult dogs or puppies or any other pet to get maliciously infected.

What is a Dog’s Vaccine?

A disease caused the malfunction of an organism and it destroys the system, Vaccination enhances the immune system in advance because vaccines contain antigens that defend the body against attack, and this disease is no more alien to the body system.

Difference Between 7-in-1 Dog Vaccination & 5-in-1 dog Vaccination

The utmost requirement of vaccination in puppies they are given Seven in one or Five in one initially to boost immunization which protects them throughout the life span. Seven-in-one dog vaccination protects them against hepatitis, parainfluenza, distemper, Bordetella (Kennel Cough), and parvovirus. While five in one dog vaccination is enough for these illnesses, seven in one provides additional protection against Leptospirosis vaccine and Coronavirus vaccine Other than that, the following diseases could be cured by scheduled vaccination programs i.e canine influenza vaccine, canine vaccine, rabies vaccines could be cured from other available vaccines to enhance their immune system

Dogs Vaccination Reaction

For Dog, Vaccination follows the directions on that document carefully, and contact your vet if you notice any unexpected adverse events or side effects like rash fever, or joint inflammation immediately after vaccination. These symptoms may disappear shortly or take a few days to fade out. In some cases, severe reactions have been reported like anaphylaxis which required serious attention and one must rush to the hospital to see the Vet.


Among them a few dogs experience sluggishness or lethargy after receiving the vaccination it may be accompanied by inflammation of joints or muscles


Your dog may experience lumps at the injection site, it is caused by the accumulation of protein which takes some time to absorb until then it accumulates at the site, after absorption, it disappeared automatically so no further treatment is required.


When a lump does not dissolve by itself it may be a tumor do a regular examination of the injection site and after 12 weeks this lump is there it is an indication of Tumors and consult your veterinarian for a biopsy.

Loss of appetite

it is a common observation that dogs of sensitive nature may lose appetite and they may not have their meal one or two times but as symptoms disappear they behave normally.


Diarrhea is a common symptom in some puppies if symptoms prevail then consult with your veterinarian.

Optional Dog Vaccines?

Vaccination of your pet dog it may be any stage of his age need vaccination for better health some time they required against any disease as a precaution it is considered as an internal factor, and other are optional for external factors precaution to Medical requirements of his age, or lifestyle, or for the specific environment due to traveling for best medication and vaccination consult to your veterinarian.

Vaccine Schedule.

Dogs are categorized according to the age • puppy • Adult Dog due to the age factor, its vaccine schedule and dosage schedule are different according to respective needs

Puppy Vaccine Schedule.

According to the vet’s recommendation, the following criteria should be adopted • puppy age 06-10 weeks requires DA2PP Bordetella (Kennel Cough) • Puppy age 11-14 weeks DA2PP, Lyme Disease Leptospirosis, Canine Influenza, • Puppy age 16 Week DA2PP, Rabies, Leptospirosis, Lyme Disease, Canine Influenza ***Precaution: vaccine should not be administered more than 2 shorts at once and early age puppies should receive one vaccine short to avoid any mishap Vaccination should be given utmost importance and followed strictly, that immunization helps your puppies to save them from unseen illnesses and diseases without it risk of exposure to any disease. Every puppy is your family member and it is considered its birthright to have cared for and to be loved because your pet is your best companion. above mentioned diseases are curable if you follow the vaccine schedule accordingly

Adult Dog Vaccination Schedule

When your puppy grows to his adulthood or you got an adult dog then they are exposed to different diseases you must consult and visit your veterinarian to chart out a vaccine plan proper and adhere to it for better health of your pet dog your vet better decided to single short vaccine or combination of vaccine for an adult dog boosting immunization depends on the lifestyle of a dog and commonly for DA2PP, Canine influenza, Leptospirosis, Lyme, Bordetella Adult Dog Vaccine Schedule should be followed as under or suggested by your Veterinarian
  1. Dog age 1 Year- Vaccination of Lyme
  2. Dog age 1 Year- Vaccination of Leptospirosis
  3. Dog age 1 year- Vaccination of Bordetella
  4. Dog age 1 year- Vaccination of Canine Influenza
  5. Dog Age 3 years- Vaccination of DA2PP
  6. Dog Age 3 Years- Vaccination of Rabies

Dogs Vaccination Booster

after the administration of the core vaccine and dose is given at the age of 16 weeks, according to the AAHA recommendation booster dose should be administered after one year from the last dose and it can continue for up to three years at consecutive intervals. This booster dose is to prevent bacterial infection rather than viral

Veterinarian Contact

Pet Vet and owner is a triangle, a triangle of love and trust pet owner must have close contact with the veterinarian about periodic check-ups of their pet for the better health of the pet and the pet’s owner requires to take suggestions from his Veterinarian on different matters related to its pet’s health. Your vet will likely prescribe at least one vaccine to assist in treating any health issues associated with routine vaccination or periodic vaccination for dogs that have not had them yet. One must try to maintain Visiting record with the Veterinarian and the health condition of the pet and even liking and disliking of his pet This Record plays a vital role in your absence and if anyone else takes care of your pet when you are not there it is optional but it is important.   Image Curtosy by: <a href=””>Image by pch.vector</a> on Freepik

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