Choosing the Best Pet Food


Choosing the best pet food is the sole responsibility of an owner  for his/her pet, food requirements vary from age, growth to adult, before and after pregnancy, and pet breed type, most important at the time of recovery after any kind of illness

Guideline to Choose The Best Pet Food

A step-by-step guide to choosing the best pet food because a pet is your best companion, both inside and outside of the home. We’ll help you learn how foods work together for animals with illnesses or allergies, finding good choices in multiple allergens like wheat, milk proteins (powdered), corn, fish, shellfish, etc…

The list below is some popular options available at Pet Food Warehouse:…for dog owners only! The same great brands offer many more varieties on their website & from our store that include any animal feeding product including feed products made specifically as pets’ favorite dish; all over one page so there’s no confusion where exactly this particular item falls into order according “dog” vs., “cat.

Every pet food/diet chosen to keep your pet healthy and commercial diets available on the market follow the same principle, the life of your pet depends on your decision on how you choose the perfect diet for your pet

Following are the step-by-step guidelines that help you to choose the diet for your pet;

Rely on Brands.

Always rely on branded products for your pet because well-known companies invest time and money on research of food ingredients and their combination of a precision quantity of protein, fats which helps the growth of your pet any imbalance of ingredients may cause severe problems for your pet

Balance Food.

Every Owner is liable to choose a balanced Food/diet because excess amount of ingredients or lack of any ingredient may hamper the growth process of your pet and your pet’s life may in danger, so the matter cited refer to diet from well-known companies due to the precision of ingredients suited to your pet

Choosing the Best Food Criteria

So choosing a suitable proportionate diet should be very simple if not just buy the formula that meets all nutritional requirements by using appropriate recipe information provided with the product package as part thereof also mention what other required items such oil, bile salts, etc. could be added along with recommended dosage list depending upon human body condition Your choice would make more difference

Homemade diet or Table diet

Many pets are set on a homemade diet or organic diet may suit your pet but nutrition value cannot be matched so the result is hampered growth and some owner fed their pet table food it is not suitable to your pet because keep in your mind that human food contains a different ratio of protein fat carbohydrate and other elements which is not appropriate for your pet so it is imbalanced diet and lack in nutritional value


Choosing a pet is a myth, one’s handy tool is the internet but the net world is full of information now it is your Moral duty to choose credible sources and any supportive comments of veterinarians about this product or scientific study endorse it.


Every food is not suitable for every pet, especially dogs and cats, pet food has nutritional value for the respective pet but while choosing it one must follow these points

  • Pet type
  • Pet bread
  • Pet age cycle

Note Regulated byproducts do not include hooves, hair, floor sweepings, intestinal contents, or manure

If you have any query must consult with your veterinarian

Food Container Information

All Information written on the Food Container about the respective product the most prominent part is the brand name, due to the package size of that food container bag it is difficult to handle it, anyhow a brand name is also self-explanatory

The term “beef” means that beef ingredient is 70% of the total product.

The terms “beef dinner”, “beef entrée” or “beef platter,” explain that beef is 10 percent of that product.

The Term “With beef” refers to that 3 percent of the total product

The term “Be beef, and “beef flavor” beef ratio is less than 3% and it is only there for flavor

The food and Drug Administration (FDA) elaborates 8 points with are worth information for a pet owner, and each state in the US may have different labeling rules: these are followed as under

  • Product name
  • Net weight of the product
  • Name and address of the manufacturer
  • Guaranteed Analysis
  • List of ingredients
  • Intended animal species (i.e. dog or cat)
  • Statement of nutritional adequacy
  • Feeding guidelines

Guaranteed Analysis

The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) has strict instructions to write down complete information about balanced diets ingredient which is necessary for cats and dogs, it must be reflected in the “guaranteed analysis.”

It tells us the minimum amount of crude protein and fat, along with the maximum amounts of water and crude fiber. But it does not give us the exact amount of these components, a margin of variation is there. The manufacturer’s written nutrient profile is helpful to evaluate a product.

Pet Food for Nutritional Needs

Pets Dogs are categorized into two categories Small breed dogs and large breed dogs both have different nutritional needs. Small breed dogs need diet help in smooth growth and Large breed dogs’ food fulfills requirements for musculoskeletal problems to prevent bone and joint problems.

nutrition value cat a little confusing. The different types of cats and available food variety is dependent on, nutritional value, flavor, and dietary needs. Choosing the right brand and amount of food for your pet cat depends on the age of your pet, health as well as personal preferences.

Food for Puppies & Kitten

Dog food needs are different in every stage of his life cycle, and different age groups have different diet requirements one must consult his veterinarian to see what stage food is appropriate for your dog and for your kitten in the start you can start with wet food and as it grows shift to dry food but must consult with your veterinarian.

Food for Adult Pets

Best Food for Every senior or adult pet may have different dietary needs depending on their physical and mental condition some of them are under-weight and some of them are over-weight both have different food requirements.

Food requirements also change during an illness like Allergies, sensitive stomachs, and any other dietary restrictions, it is a better idea to consult your veterinarian for advice about the dog food that best helps with their condition.

Dry Food for Pet

Commonly used Pet (dog & Cat)  food is dry food, it is widely acceptable by pet owners because it is easy to handle and easy to store it is a  combination of cooked ingredients like meat/fish and grains it is hygienic and processed food and it is easily digestible by the pet you may find different verities in store shelves we recommend to follow the instruction of your veterinary nutritionist while choosing it for your pet

Canned Pet Food

It is widely used as an alternative to dry food, it requires where your dog & cat is habitual for picky eating habit along with licking of wet matter it stimulates the appetite, its ingredient is same as dry food but its preservative and formulation may differ from dry food, it has long shelved life

Wet pet (Dog & Cat) food ingredients may same as dry pet food, but quantities may differ. It is rich in fresh meat, poultry, fish, and animal byproducts, with textured proteins extracted from grains.

Wet pet food (dog & Cat), or canned pet food, is a perfectly viable alternative to dry pet food, while generally, wet food is slightly more expensive, It is more palatable than dry food and can help stimulate the appetite of picky eaters.

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